Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club
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28th January 2020 AGM - Minutes

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28th January 2020 AGM - Minutes Empty 28th January 2020 AGM - Minutes

Post by Admin Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:13 pm

28TH JANUARY, 2020



Good morning everyone, I would like to welcome you to our Annual General Meeting that will focus on the 12 months just gone; election of Committee Members for 2020; and to give you (our members) some appreciation of our plans for 2020.

Just as a reminder to everyone, that during the course of this morning’s AGM, there will be Motions and Proposals put forward, that will require members to vote For or Against.   Voting is only available for financial members of the Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club.   If you are unsure of your status or wish to renew your membership, please speak to either Cathy or Leigh.

Leigh Dunn (our Secretary) earlier this month, emailed a copy of today’s Agenda to everyone.   She also has some hard copies with her now, should anyone require a copy.

We will now formally commence our AGM and work through our Agenda.   If any one wishes to raise a point or ask a question regarding a current topic or presentation, then please do so.   There will also be allocated time at the end of the AGM for general business and questions.


Clem Anderson, Rob Asmussen, Graeme Beardwood, Cathy Bonavia, John Bonavia, Fiona Bond, Mark Cline, John Devereaux, Steve Duffield, Leigh Dunn, Marie Ford, Josh Gay, Al Giblin, Francis Green, Norbert Heimeier, Jim Iliopoulos, Lizzie Iversen, Russell Libbis, Trevor Lochland, Bob Mayne, Janice Moore, Graham McAlpine, Michael Murray, Phil Palmer, Jim Pengelly, Margaret Tacke, Sig Tacke, Gordie Wells, Michael Wilding, Martin Wilson, Val Wright.


Tony Hazelager, Andy Kivimets, Gloria Kivimets.


David Boyd, Iris Hammond, Owen Ellis, Peter Fraser, Gail Hendry, Susan MacAndrew, Dawn McCubbin, Norm Trigger.


A copy of the Minutes of 24 January, 2019 had previously been forwarded to members via email.  The first was on 25 January, 2019 and the most recent being 3 January, 2020.  Hard copies were made available for those who do not have email.

Accepted: Martin Wilson.
Seconded: Francis Green.

Business arising from the Minutes – Nil.


Two motions were put to the Members for their acceptance.

Motion 1 – to seek approval from the Members that the number of Committee Members be increased from 9 to 11.  This is to ensure that during the year, particularly during winter months that there are a sufficient number of Committee Members on hand.  During 2019 there were some months where there were only three Members available.

Accepted: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded: Rob Asmussen.

All in Favour: Yes.

Motion 2 – to seek approval from the Members that a ‘Life Membership’ status be established.

The Club is now seven years old and a Life Membership honour should be considered to be bestowed on Members who have given distinguished service to the Club over a number of years.  This is in accordance with the Club Constitution (Section 6.4).

The Life Member will have their annual TTV Membership fee paid by the Club.

Any member of the Club can nominate another Member to the Committee for consideration for the title of Life Membership.  The Committee will consider all such requests.

Steve Duffield suggested that thought be given to how long a Member needs to be in the Club and what qualifies them.  Graeme Beardwood agreed the Committee would discuss this further.

Accepted: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded: Clem Anderson

All in favour: Yes.

7. PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT – January 2019 to December 2019

Presented by:   Graeme Beardwood – a copy is attached to the Minutes.

Accepted: Martin Wilson.
Seconded: Leigh Dunn.

All in favour: Yes.


a) Financial Positions for 2019
Presented by:  Cathy Bonavia – a detailed copy with an additional breakdown of figures was provided for the Minutes (and a copy handed out to Members).

Balance brought forward as at 31.12.18: $  4,446.06

Income: $18,505.22

Expenses: $19,121.72

Petty Cash in hand: $       89.70

Balance as at 31.12.18 $  3,919.26

Cathy provided further explanation from the Financial Statement outlining the breakdown of figures under Income and Expenditure to inform Members in more detail.

b) Reflection on the 2019 Financial Position

President, Graeme Beardwood provided the following reflection/report:

Thank you Cathy, for presenting the Club’s 2019 Financial Position.   As usual your ‘attention to detail’ and dedication to the role of Treasurer and to the Club, is exemplary.

I should let all members who are with us today, know that whilst Cathy is the Treasurer, she maintains the books and accounts – as to the where and how much of the money is to be spent, Cathy does not control that.   Each month, Cathy presents to the Committee what expenditure occurred, what is due or expected to be paid - and it is the Committee that in effect, authorises where the money is spent.

When we look at the Club’s Financial Report, you will note that we have included a column reflecting 2018 details.   These are provided where there is a direct relation to the 2019 income or expense category.   Whilst individual 2018 entries may not add up to the total, as there may not be a 2019 element, the 2018 totals are correct.

There are some key points.

Firstly Income:

• Player Payments
 $12,128 vs $9,560 (2018) – a 26% increase brought about by:
 3,032 players during 2019, Vs 2,2390 in 2018
 Additional members
 Additional playing session (Tuesday evening)
• Donations
 $50 Vs $2,323.75 (2018)
 2018 Donations from OPSM, Rancie Financial and Bellarine Woodworker
 All 2018 donations were spent on new equipment
• We have a strategy in place to address our income that we will present to the members in General Business.

Now the Expenditure:

• Hall Hire (MHH)
 $9,018 Vs $7,542.50 (2018) – a 19.5% increase brought about by:
 Additional Tuesday evening session – a total of 90 hours
 Hall Hire rate increase from $15/hour to $18/hour, which was effective from July 2019
• This equates to a 20% increase
• We did put up a case to the MHH Committee to either waive or reduce this rate, but to no avail.
 Interesting point to note.  If the new rate of $18/hour applied for the total year, our Hall Hire expenditure would have been $9,234 plus any additional hours spent on meetings or functions at the Hall.

• Polo Tops
 $1,413 Vs $658.50 (2018)
 A purchase programme initiated in 2019
 New members requiring polo tops and existing members requiring additional tops.

• Membership Registrations
 $2,495 Vs $1,805 (2018)
 Increased number of members
 A direct relationship with the $2,495 paid to TTV.

• Whilst we have really contained our expenditure in other areas, we need to address the overall issue.   As such, we have a strategy in place to address our Expenditure, which we will present to the Members in General Business.

Now for the final year end position for the various years:

• 2019 - Year end total of $3,919.26

2018 - Year end total of $4,446.06 ($526.80)

2017 - Year end total of $5,811.31 ($1,365.25)

• We cannot continue to go backwards!   Yes I accept that we are a ‘Not For Profit’ Organisation, but we need to ensure that we always have sufficient funds in the bank to cover at least 3 months rental and for emergencies.

• We have a strategy in place to address both our Income and Expenditure, which we will present to the members in General Business

These were just the ‘Key Take Aways’ from a review of the Financial Position, the key questions are:

1. Where does the Club’s money go?

2. Where does MY $4.00 go to?

1.    2019 Expenditure Categories
• 69% goes to Hall Hire – this is a very high percentage and expected to be higher in 2020, once the hall hire rate is applied for a full year.

• Social Activity ($2,232.21) or 17% of expenditure is a consolidation of
 Club assets (crockery, plates, urn etc);
 Morning Tea expenses
 Petty Cash Miscellaneous Expenditure
 Club functions

• Polo Tops – a net figure of $793.24 or 6%.   This is a net figure as $620 was received through the sale of polo tops to Members.

2.     Where did MY $4.00 Go?
• $2.75 of your $4.00 goes to Hall Hire.
 This is a very high percentage and expected to be higher in 2020, once the hall hire rate is applied for a full year.

• $0.68 goes to Social Activity
 I would like this to be a higher figure.

• $0.24 goes to Polo tops
 This can be managed and a proposal will be put to the members during General Business.

• As you can see, there is a missing wedge of the pie – any one like to identify it?
 It is “Club Bank Funds”!
 That’s right, during 2019, no funds or savings was achieved.   We actually reduced our year end 2018 account balance by $526.80.
As mentioned earlier, we do have a strategy in place to address both our Income and Expenditure.  I ask for your patience, as we will present this strategy to you during the General Business.

c) Acceptance of the 2019 Financial Report as presented by the Treasurer

Accepted: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded: Russell Libbis.

All in Favour: Yes.


Martin Wilson proposed a ‘Vote of Thanks’ for Graeme Beardwood on behalf of the Members for the hard work and dedication he has given to the Club in his role as President in 2019.

Carried with Acclamation.


Mark Cline was nominated as the Stand-In Chair for the meeting to conduct the nomination and election of the Administrative team.

Nominated by: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded by: Martin Wilson.

All in favour – Yes


Stand-In Chair explained that in the interest of continuity, this year not all current Committee roles would be vacated.  As recommended by the Club Constitution (Section 17.3) a staggered rotation system has been established where half the Committee positions become vacant each year.

Leigh Dunn, Marie Ford and John Bonavia did not vacate their positions this year.

Stand-In Chair declared the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer and five Committee roles to be vacant.

The following Members of the 2019 Committee stood down:

• Martin Wilson
• Russell Libbis.

Appreciation was expressed to the Members for their contribution throughout the year, which also included Michael Murray, who resigned partway through 2019.


a) Members Re-nominating:

• Graeme Beardwood nominated by Martin Wilson, seconded Mark Cline.

All in favour: Yes.

• Cathy Bonavia nominated by Mark Cline, seconded Peter Fraser.

All in favour: Yes.

Both Graeme and Cathy have accepted their nominations via a signed form.

Stand-In Chair congratulated those renominating for being accepted for the 2020 Committee.

b) Members Nominating for Vacant Positions:

• Steve Dufflied nominated by John Bonavia, seconded Cathy Bonavia.
• Fiona Bond nominated by Leigh Dunn, seconded Cathy Bonavia.
• Owen Ellis nominated by Graeme Beardwood, seconded Josh Gay.
• Josh Gay nominated by Graeme Beardwood, seconded Leigh Dunn.
• Norbert Heimeier nominated by John Bonavia, seconded Leigh Dunn.
• Trevor Lochland nominated by Leigh Dunn, seconded Cathy Bonavia.

All in favour: Yes.

All accepted their nominations via a signed form.

As the number of nominees equalled the vacancies, all the vacancies were declared filled.

Stand-In Chair congratulated those Members taking up a role on the 2020 Club Committee.


a) President - Graeme Beardwood;

b) Vice-President – Trevor Lochland; and

c) Treasurer – Cathy Bonavia.

These nominees accepted their nominations via a signed form as noted in Item 12.  No further nominations were received.

All in favour: Yes.

The Stand-In Chair congratulated them on their appointments.
d) Other roles – The Stand-In Chair moved that the 2020 Committee decide all other roles.

All in favour: Yes.

(Chaired by President Elect Graeme Beardwood)

a) New Player Subsidisation

Background (by Graeme Beardwood)

During 2019, the Club continued to subsidise new Members that joined between September and December 2019.  In 2019, $60 was paid by the Club, being for four players.

During 2019 (as in 2018) we continued to raise our concern with TTV regarding the establishment of a pro rata membership fee.  We will continue to pursue this.


i. The Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club Committee are to continue discussions with TTV, regarding some form of pro rata membership fee for those Members that may join later in the year.

ii. Until such time that TTV establishes a pro rata membership fee for Members joining late in the year, the Club will continue to subsidise new Members that join between September and December.  The Club will subsidise the TTV membership fees to the value of $15, with new Members paying the balance, being $20.

Moved by: Rob Asmussen.
Seconded by: Steve Duffield.


b) Session Fees

Background (by Graeme Beardwood)

During 2019, the Marcus Hill Hall Committee increased their Hall Rental from $15/hour to $18/hour – which took effect in July 2019.  We did put up a case to the MHH Committee to either waive or reduce this rate, but to no avail.

In light of the 2019 Financial Report presented by our Treasurer, wherein the reported Hall Hire expenses only represented six months at the new rental rate, had the new rental rate taken effect in January 2019, our financial position at year end would have been at least $500 to the detriment.


i. Player session fees be increased to $5.00 effective the first playing session in February, being 4 February 2020.

Moved by: Mark Cline.
Seconded by: Margaret Tacke.


ii. In support of this proposal, the 2020 Committee is to set a total bank account balance [$X] that is budgeted to be achieved at the end of each calendar year.  At its next meeting, the Committee will estimate what the Y/E balance will be, and any amount over [$X} is put towards Members in some form at the end of the year.

Moved by: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded by: Jim Iliopoulos.


c) Marcus Hill Hall – Hire Costs

Background (by Graeme Beardwood)

The current Hall Hire rate at Marcus Hill Hall is $18/hour.  Rental payments are paid three months in arrears.

This rental rate equates to $45 for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning; and $36 for Tuesday evening sessions.

At this stage there has been no notification from the Marcus Hill Hall Committee that this hire rate is to change.  The recent rate increase effective July 2019 is the first one that has applied in some years.


The Club will continue to pay the Marcus Hill Hall Committee the rental rate of $18/hour.  Such rental payments are paid three months in arrears.

Moved by: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded by: Russell Libbis.


Tony Hazelager inquired as to how the Club could get a Member on the Hall Committee.  Currently any request has been rejected by the Hall Committee.  Graeme will continue to pursue it.

d) Petty Cash Amount


The Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club are to continue to maintain a Petty Cash float of up to $150 to purchase incidentals, primarily morning tea supplies.

This is in addition to a Club Debit Card, which has a limit of $500.00 that is used for approved expenditure.

Moved By: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded By: Bob Mayne.

e) Club Shirts

Background (by Graeme Beardwood)
As with 2018, during 2019 we initiated a Club polo-top purchase campaign as a result of a number of new members joining and existing members requiring an additional top.   We opted for the most cost effective style and brand of polo-tops.

Overall in 2019, the Club spent $1,413.24 on polo-tops ($317.24 – 30 Shirts+ $1,096 – 40 Embroidery).   The current cost per shirt is $37.97

Through the sale of polo-tops we have recouped $620.   Whilst there are some polo-tops in stock, at this stage the Club is $793.24 out-of-pocket.

As with previous years, whilst it is acknowledged that this is an expense to our Club, that it is a justifiable expense in order to maintain Club uniformity and creating a sense of belonging.

The Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club are to continue to recoup some of the expense by selling Club polo-tops to new Members at a subsidised rate of $20/shirt.  Existing players are to pay the full ‘cost’ price of the shirt once embroidered.

Moved By: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded By: Martin Wilson.

f) First Aid Training

Background (by Graeme Beardwood)

It is imperative that at least one Club member has training in First Aid.  Leigh Dunn has already undertaken a First Aid ‘refresher’ course, however during 2019, both Marie Ford and Michael Murray undertook the First Aid Refresher Course.

The Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club are to ensure that during 2020, at least two members have up-to-date training in First Aid.

Moved by: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded by: Lizzie Iversen.
John Devereaux asked whether the Club had a First Aid Kit and where was it located.  Leigh Dunn confirmed the Club did have a Kit and it was located in the Storage Locker.

g) Operational/Equipment Expenses

With four sessions a week currently being played our equipment, (primarily tables) are either exhibiting wear and tear or run the risk of doing so.

Fortunately there were no severe issues identified or experienced during 2019 and what damage did occur, was to the table frames, which John Bonavia was able to rectify.  Apart from the purchase of netting infrastructure and materials, there was no major expenditure in 2019.

The Bellarine Keen-Agers Table Tennis Club Committee is to conduct a full review of all play equipment (including netting) to determine their current condition.

The review is to identify what costs would apply, should it be later decided to either repair or replace any identified equipment.

Moved by: Graeme Beardwood.
Seconded by: Francis Green.



a) Replacement of Table Tennis Tables

Rob Asmussen suggested the Committee consider replacing the two less solid tables this year and seek funding from Sponsors.  Noted by John Bonavia for Committee discussion.

b) Working Bees

Tony Hazelager suggested that when repairs or work is required on equipment that a working bee is organised to assist John Bonavia rather than him having to do it all himself.  For further Committee discussion.

c) Seniors Facilities Negotiations

Martin Wilson informed the meeting that his independent negotiations with the Council of Greater Geelong are on going to increase the size of a venue for Seniors in general.  With this in mind he suggested the Club be mindful that the potential costs associated with a move to a larger facility would require extra funding.  Graeme Beardwood noted that although this may be some time off it was important to be prepared.

d) Albury/Wodonga Keen-Agers Event 27-28 March, 2020

Josh Gay mentioned an interest in attending this event that is only $50 for all-inclusive activities for the weekend.  Leigh Dunn will print off details for Josh to promote further.

e) Playing Facility Contingency Plan

Tony Hazelager suggested the Committee have a contingency plan for accommodating play should the Marcus Hill Hall be damaged.  Graeme Beardwood noted for further Committee discussion.

f) Allocated Role for Sponsor Management

Jim Iliopoulos suggested that a person or Sub-Committee be appointed to manage the role, donations and interactions with Sponsors.  Graeme Beardwood noted for further Committee discussion.

g) Practice Machine

The use of the Club’s Practice Machine was raised by Gordon Wells and Graeme Beardwood.  It was agreed Tuesday night and Friday morning would be the most suitable time to set it up.  John Bonavia will discuss further with his new Playing Operations sub-Committee.

16. President Graeme Beardwood thanked all Members for their attendance.


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